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分类: 最新资讯 恋爱词典 编辑 : 大宝 发布 : 02-23

阅读 :104

# “眼屎”用英语怎么说"眼屎"在英语中可以被称为"eye discharge"、"eye gunk"或者"eye crust"。在这个语境中:Discharge(分泌物):"Eye discharge" 意指眼睛分泌出的液体或物质,通常是指眼屎、眼泪等。例句:Every morning, I make sure to clean the eye discharge from the corners of my eyes.每天早上我都会注意清理眼角的 eye discharge。同事,这个词广泛用于描述由身体器官或组织分泌出的各种液体。例如在医学领域,"discharge" 可以用来指代身体液体的排放,如伤口或感染处的分泌物。Gunk(粘稠的污垢):"Eye gunk" 意指眼睛周围的粘稠物质,通常包括眼屎、眼结痂等。这个词语强调了物质的粘稠或粘附性质。# “鼻屎”用英语怎么说"鼻屎" 在英语中通常被称为"nasal mucus"或者"nasal discharge"。"抠鼻屎" 在英语中可以表达为"pick one's nose"或者"dig in one's nose"。这两个短语都描述了清理鼻孔或抠鼻屎的行为。但请注意这是一个比较粗俗的表达方式,正式场合中可能会使用更为礼貌的说法,比如"wipe one's nose"。例句:He thought no one was looking, so he discreetly picked his nose during the meeting.他以为没人注意到,于是在会议期间悄悄地抠了一下鼻子。She was caught digging in her nose at the bus stop, feeling a bit embarrassed when she realized someone was watching.她在公交车站被抓到正在挖鼻孔,当她意识到有人在看时,感到有些尴尬。The child learned to politely wipe his nose with a tissue whenever he felt the need, showing good manners.这个孩子学会了在感到需要的时候用纸巾有礼貌地擦鼻子,显示出良好的礼仪。# “耳屎”用英语怎么说"耳屎" 在英语中通常被称为"earwax"或"cerumen"。"掏耳屎"在英语中可以表示为"clean one's ears"或"remove earwax"。例句:He discreetly cleaned his ears with a cotton swab when no one was around.当没人在周围时,他悄悄地用棉签清理了耳朵。It's important to use a gentle method to remove earwax to avoid damaging the ear canal.使用温和的方法清除耳屎是很重要的,以避免损伤耳道。She visited the doctor to have a professional clean her ears and remove excess earwax.她去看医生专业地清理了耳朵,清除了过多的耳屎。好啦,今天的分享就到这啦如果喜欢本篇内容点赞、在看、分享、评论鼓励一下作者

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